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Bureau des bourses et de l'aide financière (BBAF)
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Scholarships & Bursaries
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Canadian citizens or permanent residents
Undergraduate funding
Leadership and Commitment Scholarship
Schulich Leader Scholarships
Québec Perspective Scholarship Program
Knollenberg Foundation – Imagine That…An environmental challenge for change
Master’s Program Funding
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies
Leadership and Commitment Scholarship
Doctoral Program Funding
Citizens of the World Scholarships
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies
Leadership and Commitment Scholarship
Tips on applying for scholarships
International students
Undergraduate funding
Citizens of the World Scholarships
Tuition fee exemption scholarships for undergraduate and graduate programs
Master’s program funding
Citizen of the World Scholarships – 2e cycle
Tuition fee exemption scholarships for undergraduate and graduate programs
Doctoral program funding
Citizens of the World Scholarships
Tuition fee exemption scholarships
Merit Scholarship Programs
Tips on applying for scholarships
Basic scholarship precautions
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Commitment scholarships (in French only)
Bursaries for precarious financial situation (in French only)
Loans and Bursaries
Québec Loans and Bursaries
Program presentation (in French only)
Submitting your application (in French only)
Repaying your student loan (in French only)
Help and recourse (in French only)
Loans from Canadian provinces outside Québec
U.S. loans
My finances
Financing my studies
Finding a job
Managing your budget
Limiting consumption and debt (in French only)
Support – financial difficulties
Tips and Tricks (in French only)
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Scholarships & Bursaries
Search the scholarship directory
Canadian citizens or permanent residents
Undergraduate funding
Leadership and Commitment Scholarship
Schulich Leader Scholarships
Québec Perspective Scholarship Program
Knollenberg Foundation – Imagine That…An environmental challenge for change
Master’s Program Funding
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies
Leadership and Commitment Scholarship
Doctoral Program Funding
Citizens of the World Scholarships
Graduate Scholarships from Granting Agencies
Leadership and Commitment Scholarship
Tips on applying for scholarships
International students
Undergraduate funding
Citizens of the World Scholarships
Tuition fee exemption scholarships for undergraduate and graduate programs
Master’s program funding
Citizen of the World Scholarships – 2e cycle
Tuition fee exemption scholarships for undergraduate and graduate programs
Doctoral program funding
Citizens of the World Scholarships
Tuition fee exemption scholarships
Merit Scholarship Programs
Tips on applying for scholarships
Basic scholarship precautions
Make a donation
Commitment scholarships (in French only)
Bursaries for precarious financial situation (in French only)
Loans and Bursaries
Québec Loans and Bursaries
Program presentation (in French only)
Submitting your application (in French only)
Repaying your student loan (in French only)
Help and recourse (in French only)
Loans from Canadian provinces outside Québec
U.S. loans
My finances
Financing my studies
Finding a job
Managing your budget
Limiting consumption and debt (in French only)
Support – financial difficulties
Tips and Tricks (in French only)
Assistance resources
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